Now Hiring: Freelance Graphic Designers
Job Summary
Good Done Daily is seeking freelance graphic designers who possess a hybrid mindset:
1 part strategic thinker; those who are intellectually curious, enjoy engaging with people, and are confident with facilitating workshops through inclusive dialogs and inventive group activities.
1 part creative thinker; those who are self-motivated, quick on their feet with the design of concepts and materials, and unafraid to push the envelope with visual ideas and brand systems.
Good Done Daily operates a culture that is optimistic, inclusive, and situated within a creative and supportive atmosphere. The ideal candidate will demonstrate a willingness to grow and a fondness for team collaboration.
You have a minimum of 3–4 years of professional experience with a strong command of design for printed, digital, and/or environmental graphics
You have the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
You possess strong communication and presentation skills
You’re comfortable handling more than one project at a time
You’re strong with time management
You take excellent notes and listen deeply to what isn’t being said
You’re iterative in your approach; motivated to explore more than 1 conceptual design in the early stages of a project
You’re detail oriented (you triple spellcheck your files, convert your RGBs to CMYKs when necessary, and pick your Pantones off-screen, not on)
Your files are meticulously organized; you package your fonts/images without fail, know what a story palette is and why hanging punctuation matters, you’re a character/paragraph style whisperer, and you build multi-column grids like nobody’s business (InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator nerds: we ❤ you)
You’re collaborative and have the ability to synthesize and implement swift feedback
You share a literacy for trends in design culture and pay attention to current events
You can realistically accommodate 20–25 hours of work per week
You’re based in SE Michigan; within a 30–45 minute drive of the City of Hamtramck or Detroit
You’re ethnographic and enjoy getting off the computer and into the field
You’re driven to do good within your community and geek out over matters of local government, social innovation, and civic engagement
You’re kind, hopeful, and helpful (ego-free) in the face of challenges—big and small
Develop techniques for engaging people through inclusive design processes; uncovering insights and opportunities that help us design with people and build trust throughout a project’s lifespan
Facilitate seamless communication with Good Done Daily (bi-weekly progress reports)
Prepare approved files for commercial printing, fabrication, or deployment across various social media platforms
Prepare and package logos, style guides, and other brand assets for delivery to clients
Work in collaboration with the creative director, employees, and other freelancers to develop project approaches and brand strategies
Develop concepts and designs for projects across multiple channels and for clients in different fields of professional practice (city planning, community development, philanthropy, etc.)
Attend on-site meetings and team brainstorming sessions
Project management; the submission of cost estimate requests to outside vendors (printers, fabricators, etc.), the logging of project expenses and supplemental costs
Participate in conference calls and meetings with clients
Skillful at designing workshops, inventive group activities, and facilitating inclusive dialogues with stakeholders
Duration of Time
2–4 months with the optional renewal of freelance contract
Negotiable, commensurate with experience available budgets
About Good Done Daily
Good Done Daily is a multi-disciplinary design studio committed to social change. We strengthen the work of mission-driven organizations through graphic design, creative strategy, and inclusive action. Since our launch in 2014, our efforts have helped dozens of established not-for-profits and grassroots leaders build movements, tell stories, and rally for positive impact.
We envision a future where individual and community potential is maximized through design—the design of accessible communications, equitable practices and policies, civic services, innovative tools, and public spaces.
Based in Hamtramck, we work across Detroit and Southeast Michigan to advance the communication needs of fields as varied as community development, social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, city planning, and civic engagement.
We work in partnership with passionate pragmatists— clients and creative collaborators who are pushing for social change at the margins of society. Our approach is centered in bringing underrepresented voices and perspectives to the table who challenge cynics, stakeholders, thorny project briefs, and systematic problems with imaginative thinking. Through this process, we simplify complex ideas and information into intelligent strategies, memorable brands, and visual artifacts that mobilize people to take action.
Last but not least
After you’ve submit your answers to the above questions, please e-mail us a copy of your CV or résumé to: Include the following text in your subject line: “Freelance Design Application - [Insert Your First/Last Name]”