D:hive (2012-2015)
A storefront welcome center located in Detroit's developing Central Business District.
Non-Profit (Civic)
Art Direction
Environmental Graphics
From 2012–2015, D:hive existed as a storefront welcome center located in Detroit's Central Business District. Its disruptive approach to connecting residents to housing, jobs, experiential city tours, and coaching in entrepreneurship galvanized thousands of visitors, small businesses, and community organizers. With the support of its staff, D:hive’s success thrived on meaningful storytelling through the design of print matter, maps, pop-up retail spaces, and brand identities for its programs.
Throughout its busy life cycle, the welcome center developed a reputation as a dependable community space to host events, meetings, and co-working. In as few as three years, D:hive saw over 45,000 visitors walk through its doors. In 2014, it even made a brief appearance in a national commercial for the Apple iPad. We're not kidding.
Image credits: Matt Chung, Michelle & Chris Gerard, Jezabel Brasch, Basia Stryjecka, Marvin Shaouni, Jason Keen, & Nick Hagen
With: Megan Deal, Jezabel Brasch, Basia Stryjecka, Kelsey Blevins, Samantha Peacock, Joshua Smith, Joseph Anstett, Alicia Stocker, Monica Mitevski, Ryan Riggs, Jessica Janda, Leigha Rankin, Michael Burdick, James Noellert, Courtney Burgam, Karen Timmermann, Mark Klimkowski, & Alex Bergin